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Deal Coaching

Coaching is process of changing behaviour that achieves a desired affect and outcome.

It is not training, which typically delivers information about some domain, problem area, or process. Sales training rarely delivers the results hoped for as it lacks reinforcement, repetition, and motional commitment. Its other major shortfall is that it operates in the abstract.

Deal coaching as we practice it exists in the real world. Nothing quite like
FOMO to concentrate the mind.

People learn best, adapt their approach, and expand their frame of mind when there is something tangible to gain, and more importantly something real to lose. Its human nature. Static classroom training is anything but normal human behaviour.

Our process delivers massive results.

It includes:

  • a detailed analysis of the deal at hand
  • a full debrief of the findings
  • a coaching program design that matches the priority & scale of the deal, the timeframe and financial budget, as well as the availability of the person being coached
  • ongoing deal re-assessment to deliver new insights and perspectives on what remains
  • new questions and approaches to embed in deal pursuit

Typical coaching assignments include phone, video, email, in person, and other media to facilitate communications.

Packaging and delivery are on a 3 month minimum committment, by retainer.

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Together we select one of you most critical deals, analyst it using our AI assistance software, then debrief you on the findings.
Altogether it takes about 3 hours for the diagnostic and prescriptive discussion.

Coaching you through the deal optimizes your probability of successfully forecasting and winning he deal. It is possible the deal is unwindable, and we will advise you to walk away, showing you the reasons why you would stop investing in this deal.

We can provide a team critical deal assessment on a one time or on an ongoing basis under subscription. This service ensures that standards for deal qualification, pipeline management, and forecasting are met. Profit results, as competitiveness improves.