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Pipeline Stress Test

The Pipeline Stress Test applies the same analytic rigour as found in the Winning Critical Deals bundled consulting service, and is applied on a broader scale to the top 15% to 20% of the deals in the client’s pipeline.

These top 20% of the deals in the pipeline are the make or break deals for the client's sales team and determine whether or not quota targets will be met.  It is important that sales management has a
true and realistic assessment of their pipeline early enough so they they can take whatever steps are required to ensure that they do hit their targets.

By performing the
Pipeline Stress Test clients learn whether or not they will make their quarter.  And if they are at risk of falling short of their target you will be able to inform what they have to do to minimize the risk and improve their chances of making quota. 

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Together we select one of you most critical deals, analyst it using our AI assistance software, then debrief you on the findings.
Altogether it takes about 3 hours for the diagnostic and prescriptive discussion.

Coaching you through the deal optimizes your probability of successfully forecasting and winning he deal. It is possible the deal is unwindable, and we will advise you to walk away, showing you the reasons why you would stop investing in this deal.

We can provide a team critical deal assessment on a one time or on an ongoing basis under subscription. This service ensures that standards for deal qualification, pipeline management, and forecasting are met. Profit results, as competitiveness improves.